- About Law Office -

Law office Mgr. ANNA VEJMELKOVÁ, attorney was founded Mgr. Anna Vejmelková (many call her simply “Anna”, because she simply does not put up with titles) in 2015, after she successfully passed the bar exams with honors. Since then, she has been practicing as a SOLE LAWYER and also COOPERATING with several other law firms.

Although the head office of the law office is in Prague, Anna provides her legal services practically throughout the territory of the Czech Republic (even all over the world), as she usually performs her work from a cafe or from home (the so-called HOME-OFFICE). The reason for this is that, in accordance with modern times, 90% of her legal services are provided ONLINE.

Anna can therefore be proud of the fact that she can provide legal services practically “TO ANYONE – ANYTIME – FROM ANYWHERE”, and at an AFFORDABLE PRICE, because thanks to almost “zero office management costs”, Anna does not have to pass any costs on to clients through high hourly rates.

Anna is able to provide you with legal services even at FIXED PRICES, so you know in advance how much you will pay up front! For her regular clients, Anna has also prepared so-called DISCOUNTED PACKAGES of legal services.

The so-called ONLINE legal practice enables Anna to provide legal services for a fee lower than the usual so-called “Prague prices” of other lawyers. In some exceptional cases, Anna also provides PRO BONO legal services, or for FREE, or at least for a very ridiculous fee.

“To practice as a lawyer I am driven by desire to help others, not by my ego.”

Mgr. Anna Vejmelková

Anna’s clients can always rely on the high quality of her legal services, precision and communication.

During her practice and cooperation with other law firms, Anna came to many areas of law, thanks to which she is able to provide legal services in many AREAS OF LAW.

Although Anna provides a so-called GENERAL PRACTICE, over time, the specificity of her clients required the specialization of her services in certain legal areas, even those that are not so widespread among law firms, such as SPORT LAW, of which the most it is FOOTBALL LAW, then REAL ESTATE LAW, FEDERAL  LAW and CONTRACT LAW. In addition, Anna also deals with CRIMINAL LAW, OFFENSE LAW and TAX LAW (with an emphasis on VAT).

Even this narrow specialization, however, cannot prevent Anna from ceasing to provide legal services to “ordinary mortals” (CITIZENS, self-employed, ENTREPRENEURS, associations, but also other COMPANIES).

So if you have any problem, don’t hesitate to contact her with a REQUEST FOR HELP. Anna will do her best to help you, and if she doesn’t know what to do (and she’s not afraid to admit it), she’ll gladly recommend you to one of her colleagues.

__ Sídlo advokátní kanceláře __

“Being an attorney I consider to be my life’s mission, not a social status that I have managed to achieve.”

(Mgr. Anna Vejmelková)


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„The only person we do not hide before is ourselves. That’s why it’s worth getting to know ourselves a little bit.”

(unknown author)


___ about ANNA ___

My name is Anna, but my friends (and some clients) call me Anička. If I’m going to be very informal, I have to say about myself that I’M JUST HUMAN, just like you! I like good coffee and food. I love nature and my dog, LILLY. I like travelling. I like to read (mostly literature on psychology, personal development, Eastern culture and traditional Chinese medicine). I am taking a THAI-CHI and SUNDO course (I am a beginner and will be for a long time :). I like watching movies and series, I’m crazy about NEXFLIX (I like sci-fi and comedies). I try to constantly educate myself.


I recognize the same values in both professional and personal life.


I believe that advocacy can been practiced with smile on your face, without formal approach to clients.

___ curriculum vitae ___

___ client reviews ___

Martin Krob
Martin Krob
Velice profesionální přístup, ruku v ruce s příjemným vystupováním a proklientským přístupem. Doporučuji.
Paní advokátka mi poradila velice lidským přístupem, po telefonické konzultaci mého problému, mohu vřele doporučit! Ještě jednou děkuji!
Pavel Polacek
Pavel Polacek
Nejlepší advokát co jsem kdy měl možnost posoudit, vřele doporučuji.
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